5 Good Habits That Preserve Your HVAC System

Start off 2022 on the right foot by trying to form good habits that help preserve the life of your HVAC system! We understand that many people have different levels of comfort which can play a part in how often their HVAC system is used and that’s okay! Our team at Beach Air has come up with the best five habits that help preserve your HVAC system. 

Keep Your Home Clean

The less dirt and debris your HVAC system has to filter, the less it has to work. Cleaning more will also help increase your home’s indoor air quality. By making sure your home is clean and making sure the area around your unit is clear of debris will help preserve the life of your unit and will help your home’s energy efficiency overall. 

Upgrade To A Smart Thermostat

If you leave your home and forget to set the thermostat, you could be wasting energy and running up your energy bill. A smart thermostat that you can control from your phone will help you keep your unit from overworking. 

Keep It Cool

Aside from lowering your thermostat, try closing blinds or drapes and turning on a ceiling fan to keep you comfortable. You don’t always need to have the air conditioning running if you’re too warm! 

Change Your Air Filter

Regularly changing your air filter is key to making sure your HVAC system isn’t overworking itself trying to push air through a dirty, clogged, filter. A clean air filter will improve airflow and air quality which will not only help you but your HVAC unit too! 

Routine Maintenance

By scheduling routine maintenance for your unit, you can make sure that everything is working properly and as efficiently as possible! We suggest scheduling routine maintenance every six months. Have a question about routine maintenance or the services we provide? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! The Beach Air team is only a phone call away!

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