5 Insulation Tips To Keep Your HVAC From Working Overtime

The fluctuating weather here in Myrtle Beach can put a lot of pressure on your home’s HVAC system, especially if you’re home isn’t properly insulated and you’ve noticed a rise in your electric bill. Along with keeping your home at a comfortable temperature, there are many different things you can do to make sure your home is properly insulated. That’s why our team here at Beach Air HVAC is here to tell you five insulation tips you can try to keep your HVAC system from working too hard.

Seal Any Cracks

Be sure to check all your windows and doors for any places where warm air can escape and seal off those places. Weatherstripping and door draft stoppers are perfect for stopping warm air from escaping. 

Utilize Heavy Drapes

Windows aren’t the best at keeping your home properly insulated, so switching out sheer curtains for a heavier, thicker set of drapes can help keep your windows from letting the warm air out. 

 Turn Your Thermostat Down When You’re Gone

If you know you’re going to be away from home for a while, it’s a good idea to turn your thermostat down a few degrees so your HVAC system won’t work as hard to keep your home warm. 

Maintenance Your HVAC

One of the best ways to ensure your HVAC system is working properly is to schedule routine preventative maintenance every six months. It’s also important to change out your air filter once every few months to ensure your home has proper air flow. 

Overall, these are just a few tips to help take stress off of your HVAC system. Whether you need a new system installed, routine maintenance, or have questions about your system, our team here at Beach Air HVAC in Myrtle Beach is more than happy to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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