Preparing Your HVAC System For The Holidays

Thanksgiving has come and gone and more winter holidays will be here before you know it! With the weather getting colder and more guests are expected around this time of year, now is the perfect time to prepare your HVAC system for the holiday season. That’s why our team here at Beach Air HVAC in Myrtle Beach has come up with a few tips to help keep your home cozy without overworking your HVAC system! 

Turn On The Heat To A Low Setting

The best way to save your HVAC from working too hard this winter is to set your thermostat to heat at the lowest comfortable temperature. Doing so will keep your home warm without your system having to cut on and off to reach a warmer temperature. If possible, try to dress warm and keep a few blankets laying around to help keep you from turning the heat up. 

Dust Often + Change Your Air Filter!

With many homeowners breaking out their holiday decorations and having a lot of activity in their home, it’s important to remember to dust! All this extra dust and dirt stirring around in your home can clog your air filter causing your HVAC system to work harder to keep your home at the set temperature. 

Utilize Window Coverings

Windows don’t provide the best insulation when it comes to keeping your home warm. Try keeping your curtains or blinds closed in the evenings or early mornings and open them when the suns out so the natural light can help heat your home. 

While these are only a few tips to help you stay warm this holiday season without wasting energy, our team at Beach Air HVAC would be more than happy to see how we can help you save this season. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a free estimate or to request a free visit

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